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preview request

If you are interested in SUZUEI, please take a look inside the facility.


1) Online preview

Currently, we would like to reduce the risk of contact as much as possible due to the corona whirlpool, so we will first conduct an online viewing via Google meet. We will guide you through the facility with the video function turned on and answer your questions.

2) Site preview

If you have completed an online viewing and would like to visit the facility and view the site, we will do a site viewing.


Please let us know about 3 dates and times you would like to see. I will reply after adjusting the date and time.

LINE Official Account

You can also contact us via chat via SUZUEI's official LINE account.

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Please feel free to contact us using the form if you have any questions about moving in, ​ requesting a private viewing, facility tour, or any other questions.


Thank you for your inquiry.



DIY share house & community space

©2021 Okitsu Suzuei DIY Sharehouse and community space

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